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Edify! Don’t throw Mud

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Gal 6:7Once Gal 6:7 was made clear to me many years ago, I have endeavoured to be careful about what I sowed. I also in my life's practice with Christ to always speak good of people. On failing because of my sinful nature I came across in my own life a need to come before God for repentance. I believe God forgave me because of my own ignorance in this sin.


During this endeavour of changing my own life before Jesus Christ it wasn't long before mud slinging (mud slinging is criticism against others which isn't true), took place and is still taking place today. Pointing out someone's fault which not only affects my very being and the Holy Spirit is grieved but also has hit barriers in my life's journey which seems impenetrable when pointing this very sin in other peoples lives. We just seem to not get it do we? We will reap what we sow and it doesn't matter if it is good or bad.


It is sad that even the unsaved know this principle in another way “What goes around comes around.” We need to take in of our own selves about what we want to sow. Some of my internet social networks have changed to share the Gospel and Scripture verses to the world over the “World Wide Web.” I Can't express deeply enough that those who know Christ need to change. Yes you! Oh, but what about me? God is working on me daily. Let's not apply to others what you should be learning yourself, rather me, you, we should put into practice what we learn to change others using our Lord Jesus Christ as the best example.


If I may, an illustration is relevant here in my life. Years ago when I was working as a cleaner, a daytime cleaner which was working in the complex left his rubbish trolleys in the way of the rubbish compactors and they were parked in the way of me getting my rubbish through as a night cleaner working for another cleaning business. Because I was so irritated by these trolleys being in the way, I started to tie them up with a piece of rope or string so when he came in the next day he would need to untie them. I thought this was funny, Yes, I thought it was a good joke. Then one night he saw me and though he didn't say anything about the trolleys, he started abusing me because from his point of view I wasn't leaving enough toilet paper in the disabled toilets. After defending myself, he took off into a rage into the building. A few years later, I was visiting a young lady which I knew in the psychiatric ward. God got my attention, there he was, the guy that worked with the trolleys; he couldn't speak but acted out the moving of the trolleys. After leaving there I was depressed knowing I may have contributed to the very fact he was there in the ward. After this, I asked God to forgive me. Don't get me wrong, there were probably other contributing factors related to his mental instability.


What did I sow? I sowed something that wasn't edifying by tying up this man's trolleys. You see, by sharing with others a person is going to reap what they sow is true love. But also what we do can be damaging to someone else.


Many non Christians and Christians know of this verse of scripture of which is at the very top of this page. Lets heed to the scripture because this is true love to show others that edifying is better than sacrificing your life which produces bad reaping.

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