I Don't Deserve to be Here.
I don’t seem to do what people expect me to do. Their are those that want me to live and do what they want me to do. I am getting tired of living in this world with others sin thrown at me. I can’t seem to do it right because everyone’s right is different to mine. What am I suppose to do? It is impossible to ask a question because others seem to think they are being accused of things. I am expected to be and do what others want. My sin is the same as everyone else’s yet my sin in their understanding seems to be larger than anyone else’s. I have been accused of acts of immorality that I never have done. accusation of lying has been thrown at me when I find they have lied to me. I find I need to fall into some kind of emotional blackmail so I can love them. My finance should be different in their understanding than what I feel it should be therefore I should live up to their expectancy. I have been accused of arrogance yet I find they don’t stop to listen. I find that others want to bring up the past when I was a kid yet now I am fifty-nine years old. My gained knowledge and experience doesn’t seem to amount to anything according to others.
I’ll do what God wants me to do. No-one has the right over my life. I would have been dead or punished if I’d been under the Old covenant. I am under the New covenant Saved by Grace In
“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and CLEANSE us from ALL UNRIGHTOUSNESS.1 John 1:9
We should have Love in our hearts and our love shouldn’t be demanded from others. If others lie or throw their sin at me, be aware I will give it to the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy one, and let him deal with it. It isn’t likely I can be the sin bearer of your sins, only the Lord Jesus Christ can, therefore, I don’t need it and I will pass the buck to my advocate the Lord Jesus Christ.Only in Christ I deserve to be here!!! I have much work to do. Glorifying attacks from Satan working through others will prove my faith in Christ. My past won’t hinder my belief and relying on Christ alone but will hinder a walk with God and the robbing of service to God in one’s life.