Testimony through High Blood Pressure
This writing will be sent to others in an attachment but I thought it also would be good for the whole world to see. As you read this whole writing, you will find a specific, sharing, prayer request.I was woken up early this morning with a thought in mind that I couldn't shake off. I believe it was the Lord speaking to me to write on a recent experience.
There are many things in our lives which we don't want to share. We have boundaries that we set up through life experiences or what God brings upon us through those experiences. Believing in the immediate family i.e. that which comprises of the husband, wife, and children, most boundaries are lifted except for those topics or knowledge we as parents may want to keep from our children. Even then our children grow up and the things we wouldn’t have told them when they were in primary school, we may tell them in secondary school.
Having said the last paragraph, we as parents want to live lives which in such a way we will set boundaries toward our parents and siblings. These boundaries are set in motion because of our experiences in life. We all have our own lives to live. We are busy in our own way. Some may have studies, some may be dealing with their own family issues, like my self with two teenage boys. Some may have issues regarding older family members. Whatever the situation we find our selves in, we cannot intrude on someone else’s life. Sometimes we may expect other family members to do something for us, but to explain why we can't do the very thing that is asked would be an intrusion on their lives. Many times a family member doesn't need to explain, and if they do, it needs to be volunteered by them.
Having said this, from the date of the time I wrote this, about a week ago, I went to the doctor. The doctor said “Phil we haven’t taken your blood pressure for a while;” It was high! He gave me a referral to have it monitored. Phoning them up they told me I wouldn't be able to get in for a month.
The next day, I went to the Chemist to get my blood pressure test done. It was more high. The girl assistant at the Chemist looked at me horrified. Then she told me what my blood pressure was; I was horrified. I phoned my wife and said I was headed straight to the doctor. After convincing them that I needed to see a doctor urgently; The doctor gave me some medication to tie me over till I could see my regular doctor. When I saw my regular doctor the blood pressure was still high. He then changed my medication differently and higher dosage. Would you believe at one time my blood pressure at it's highest was 198/167. After seeing the doctor again after a couple of days my blood pressure was 140/80. Yes we seem to have it under control.
You see, God and his grace has saved me. Yet, it isn’t my desire to share when I'm going through something, as this is one of my boundaries. Why? Because I want to share with others after going through God's grace and mercy. You see, we need to be careful as Christians how far we want to extract information out of others because we want something for some reason. We don't know what they may be going through. By letting others to be free by God's grace, we have the opportunity for them to share the blessings of God to others after experiencing the difficulty of life of which they endured.
I hope this testimony will help you to live a rich and fuller life in Christ Jesus.Phil.