2011 Easter Encouragement
Forgiveness through Personal Experience.An Easter message.
What God wants God gets. I wonder what we allow God to do in our lives and I wonder what advantage is overtaken us by others?
We are so busy trying to defend talk, and what people do to us, we tend to forget that God wants what we are defending. But then we are hit with a problem of wanting God's will in our lives.
Others think they can do what they like to another, taking advantage of another persons Faith and trust in God, just to see if that person is for real with God.
Forgiving one another takes humility and sometimes taking a beating from others in verbalization and acts that one might do against us.
When this happens we can land in Spiritual pride and say “look at me.” We may be humble for a while and as time goes on the hurt starts to fester in our lives. Or we could wait on God and be blessed of God through his rewards in this life and the life that is to come, in heaven.
Does this excuse what the person has done to us, either by the attitude, “We will see how he or she fairs with this one,” i.e. a deliberate act, or by revenge on something we may think they have done to us?
What if we were to do that to our Lord? Whoops we did. “If thou be the Christ come down off the cross.” Did this not happen to our Lord? We are doing a deliberate act when we do it to God's people. We are tempting our Lord to come down off the cross and being used of Satan.
God's people will be blessed through Spiritual, emotional and physical needs. We need not defend God's will as He will bless us in time and we do not need to do things to others just to see how the other person relies on his or her God.
God is not going to bless in an unforgiving, tempting, or revengeful Spirit, but we will be blessed in time, when we have a right heart right Spirit and the prayerful help to keep our lives in check.
At this Easter time, we need to have a grip and understanding of God's forgiveness through our Lord dying on the cross, not only for the present of His day but it was for past, present and future for all people.He was buried and rose again and then ascended to Heaven. He then left His spirit for those who wanted Him in their hearts.
When we are unforgiving, the Spirit grieves and it affects our Lord and the inner person. Just like when we accept the Lord, we need to ask His forgiveness, so, we also need to ask the forgiveness of others. Just like our Lord when he does not expect an acceptance, neither can we from another. Just as it is a new life when we accept Him as Saviour, So will it be new life to us when we accept another persons forgiveness.I wrote this in view of things that has happened in my Life. As I have learned to forgive in humility and let God work things out, has been testimonial to my life.
Bro Phil