Odd Aliens
Looking inward, we see the life we once lived. It could be regarding time and the era we were brought up in, or it maybe the change which has conquered our lives. Whatever the life we once lived, it is apparent that odd things are seen or spoken that takes us by surprise in the present tense of life.
If the past could look back at us, I wonder what it could say or think of the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the working life, the home life , and of course technology?
Going through family photos and how Grand parents dressed and looked years ago, I entered into another world. It seemed to me a world of which if the images could come alive and talked and thought, we could be labelled as outlandish Aliens.
Yet we look at the images with not much thought about what they wore or talked like. We tend to think the clothes and the life style is something that should never had been in existence. Ideas of life and life style change from year to year and era to era, but Jesus never changes.
If we had a true photo image of Jesus that came alive and he could see us through that image, I wonder if he would think about the clothes we wore, our facial features, modern life styles or will he see our inwardappearance? He wouldn't look on us as some outlandish alien but rather he would see us as forgiven and on our way to Heaven to be with Him. This can only be if we have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts and lives.
Sorry! We don't need an image of Jesus alive for Him to see what we're like; He sees our inward appearance now.